This Project included design services for guide sign improvements on the Turnpike and Parkway in order to conform with the FHWA’s “2009 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices”, including field surveys, coordination with utility companies, soil borings, sign foundation design, design of new guide sign panels and overhead sign structures, replacement of existing guide sign panels, and other related work.
Robinson was contracted to provide new color digital aerial imagery & base mapping. The photographic limits of the project encompass both the New Jersey Turnpike and Garden State Parkway in their entirety. This included the NJ Turnpike Extension, the Newark Bay Extension and the Eastern & Western Spurs. The mapping covered the entirety of both corridors to include lane lines, guard rails, barriers, edges of pavement, bridge outlines and existing sign structures for the mainline and on/off ramps. Robinson compiled detailed topographic mapping to 1”=30’ with 1 ft. contours for up to 400 new and proposed sign locations.