RAS completed the field survey to support hydraulic analysis and floodplain mapping for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to develop a Flood Insurance Study (FIS) in Morris, Ocean, Somerset, and Union Counties as well as the Passaic River New Jersey.
Specifically, our Scope involves the following:
- RAS completed the field survey to support hydraulic analysis and floodplain mapping for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to develop a Flood Insurance Study (FIS) in Morris, Ocean, Somerset, and Union Counties as well as the Passaic River New Jersey. Specifically, our Scope involves the following:
- RAS provided Field Survey of Natural Streams and Structures in a form of Cross Sections.
- RAS photographed the structures and stream sections as well as provide sketches of structures crossing the stream and stream sections.
- RAS tied into the NGS Control network to establish control as needed on each structure and provided GPS control on every stream section. A combination of GPS and conventional survey methods was used to cut the sections. GPS-RTK was used to set up the sections and the control network. RAS provided a survey control report for the survey work performed by RAS.
- RAS survey deliverable was in electronic format with the exception of the survey control reports and the structures sketches which will be hand drawn. Stream sections were submitted in ASCII format along with point plots in electronic form to be used in setting the hydraulic model. RAS submitted all field gathered information according to FEMA Appendix M: Data Capture Standards.
- The field survey complied with FEMA’s guidelines provided in Appendix N: “Data Capture Standards”. RAS delivered text files for each surveyed section in the FEMA Appendix N format.